AEK euskara praktikoa AEK euskara praktikoa


Become a laguntzaile

The advantages of being a Korrika laguntzaile

  • Every week we'll hold draws among the LAGUNTZAILE... more than 300 prizes...

  • You'll get preference in KORRIKA initiatives in general.

  • Discounts on AEK courses and on subscriptions to AIZU magazine, too!

  • And you'll get our news regularly in the newsletter for KORRIKA collaborators.

...And most importantly, you're part of KORRIKA, because your cooperation allows us to carry on.

Eskerrik asko!


Egin zaitez laguntzaile

Korrika laguntzailea

Unfortunately we still have a long way to go, and with regard to the authorities we must repeat that the resources assigned to euskaltegis and gau-eskolas are still not enough. So, one of KORRIKA's most important goals is to gather the means necessary for people to learn to speak, read and write in Basque and promote the work done by both euskaltegis and gau-eskolas. Therefore, the money raised this year will be used to support these centres throughout the Basque Country.

This year we're asking for your help again. For 15 euros you'll get the KORRIKA laguntzailea pin. You can also benefit from the advantages mentioned above.

But above all, by giving just 15 euros you'll be a KORRIKA laguntzailea again.